[[Reference of hts_engine API]]
 * Preprocessor symbols for conditional compilation [#b930707d]
 - For embedded device
  HTS_EMBEDDED (slightly faster setting is used)
 - Audio device setting
  AUDIO_PLAY_WIN32 (for Windows 2000/XP/Vista C++ compiler)
  AUDIO_PLAY_WINCE (for Windows Mobile C++ compiler)
  AUDIO_PLAY_NONE  (default)
 - For [[Festival speech synthesis system:http://festvox.org/]]
 - Endian definition
  WORDS_BIGENDIAN (e.g. PowerPC, Cell BE, SPARC, 680x0)
  WORDS_LITTLEENDIAN (e.g. x86, Alpha AXP)
 * Structures [#y072254d]
 ** Models [#e904ac7d]
 *** HTS_ModelSet [#s84d95d0]
 > Set of HMMs and duration models.
  int nstate           - # of HMM states 
  int lf0stream        - # of stream for F0
  int mcpvsize         - vector size for spectrum
  int *nlf0pdf         - # of PDFs at each state position (F0)
  int *nmcppdf         - # of PDFs at each state position (spectrum)
  int ndurpdf          - # of PDFs (duration)
  double **durpdf      - array of PDFs (duration)
  double ***mcppdf     - array of PDFs (spectrum)
  double ****lf0pdf    - array of PDFs (F0)
  double weight_interp - weight for model interpolation
 *** HTS_Model [#hca72a1d]
 > A subword HMM in an utterance HMM.
  char *name                - name of this HMM (name only)
  char *lab                 - label of this HMM (includes other information)
  int durpdf                - duration PDF index 
  int *lf0pdf               - F0 PDF indexes
  int *mcppdf               - spectrum PDF indexes
  int *dur                  - state durations (frame)
  int totaldur              - total duration in this HMM (frame)
  double **lf0mean          - mean vectors of F0 PDFs 
  double **lf0variance      - diag variances of F0 PDFs
  double **mcpmean          - mean vectors of spectrum PDFs
  double **mcpvariance      - diag variances of spectrum PDFs
  HTS_Boolean *voiced       - voiced/unvoiced flags in this HMM
  struct _HTS_Model *next   - pointer to the next subword HMM
  HTS_Boolean bool_rate     - flag for speaking rate modification
  HTS_Boolean bool_dur      - flag for duration modification
  HTS_Boolean bool_f0_level - flag for f0 level modification
  HTS_Boolean bool_f0_range - flag for f0 range modification
  HTS_Boolean bool_volume   - flag for volume modification
  HTS_Boolean bool_alpha    - flag for frequency warping modification
  double lab_rate           - speaking rate specified in the given label
  int lab_dur               - # of frames specified in the given label
  double lab_f0_level       - f0 level specified in the given label
  double lab_f0_range       - f0 range specified in the given label
  double lab_volume         - volume specified in the given label
  double lab_alpha          - frequency warping specified in the given label
 *** HTS_UttModel [#ke553faa]
 > An utterance HMM.
  HTS_Model *mhead - list of subword HMMs (head)
  HTS_Model *mtail - list of subword HMMs (tail)
  int nModel       - # of subword HMMs in this utterance HMM
  int nState       - total # of HMM states in this utterance HMM
  int totalframe   - total # of frames in this utterance
 ** Trees [#n794348b]
 *** HTS_Pattern [#xdfc3831]
 > List of patterns in a question.
  char *pat                 - pattern string
  struct _HTS_Pattern *next - pointer to the next pattern
 *** HTS_Question [#b0a9afa1]
 > List of questions in HTS_TreeSet.
  char *qName                - name of this question
  HTS_Pattern *phead         - list of patterns (head)
  HTS_Pattern *ptail         - list of patterns (tail)
  struct _HTS_Question *next - pointer to the next question
 *** HTS_Node [#v097f6cf]
 > List of tree nodes in a decision tree.
  int idx                - index of this node
  int pdf                - index of PDF for this node  (leaf node only)
  struct _HTS_Node *yes  - pointer to its child node (yes)
  struct _HTS_Node *no   - pointer to its child node (no)
  struct _HTS_Node *next - pointer to the next node
  HTS_Question *quest    - question applied at this node
 *** HTS_Tree [#jb5f426a]
 > List of decision trees in HTS_TreeSet.
  int state              - state position of this tree
  HTS_Pattern *phead     - list of patterns used in this tree (head)
  HTS_Pattern *ptail     - list of patterns used in this tree (tail)
  struct _HTS_Tree *next - pointer to the next tree
  HTS_Node *root         - root node of this tree
  HTS_Node *leaf         - list of leaf nodes in this tree
 *** HTS_TreeSet [#o01982e3]
 > Set of decision trees.
  HTS_Question *qhead[HTS_NUMMTYPE] - lists of questions for spectrum, F0 & duration (head)
  HTS_Question *qtail[HTS_NUMMTYPE] - lists of questions for spectrum, F0 & duration (tail)
  HTS_Tree *thead[HTS_NUMMTYPE]     - lists of trees for spectrum, F0 & duration (head)
  HTS_Tree *ttail[HTS_NUMMTYPE]     - lists of trees for spectrum, F0 & duration (tail)
  int nTrees[HTS_NUMMTYPE]          - # of trees for spectrum, F0 & duration
 ** Parameter generation [#v6419ed7]
 *** HTS_DWin [#w20384ff]
 - Window coefficients to calculate dynamic features.
  int num       - # of windows (static, delta, delta-delta -> 3)
  int **width   - width of windows [0..num-1][0(left) 1(right)]
  double **coef - window coefficients [0..num-1][width[0]..width[1]]
  int maxw[2]   - maximum width [0(left) 1(right)]
  int max_L     - maximum width {maxw[0], maxw[1]}
 *** HTS_SMatrices [#yd54811c]
 - Matrices/Vectors used in the speech parameter generation algorithm.
  double **mseq  - mean vector sequence
  double **ivseq - inverse diag variance sequence
  double *g      - vector used in the forward substitution
  double **WUW   - W' U^-1 W
  double *WUM    - W' U^-1 mu
 *** HTS_PStream [#bb9e7952]
 - PDF stream used in the speech parameter generation algorithm.
  int vSize           - vector size of an observation vector (includes static & dynamic features)
  int order           - vector size of static features
  int T               - vector length (# of frames)
  int width           - maximum width of dynamic feature windows
  HTS_DWin dw         - dynamic feature windows
  double **par        - output parameter vector
  HTS_SMatrices sm    - matrices/vectors for parameter generation
  HTS_Boolean *voiced - voiced/unvoiced decision
 ** Global settings [#t58554e0]
 *** HTS_globalP [#gd4808ee]
 - Global settings.
  int rate                    - sampling rate (Hz)
  int fperiod                 - frame shift (points)
  double rho                  - speaking rate
  double alpha                - frequency warping
  double beta                 - postfiltering coefficient
  double f0_std               - F0 multiply
  double f0_mean              - F0 bias
  double uv                   - voiced/unvoiced threshold
  double length               - total number of frames
  HTS_Boolean algnst          - use state-level alignments from labels
  HTS_Boolean algnph          - use phone-level alignments from labels
  int totaldur                - total frame
  int totalframe              - total frame
  int nsample                 - # of samples in a synthesized waveform
  int buff_size               - buffer size of audio output device
  short *raw_data             - synthesized waveform
  HTS_Boolean stored_raw_data - flag to store a synthesized waveform in raw_data
 *** HTS_AudioSet [#i320d4cd]
 - For MS Windows (Windows Mobile) audio output device.
  HWAVEOUT hwaveout         - audio device handle
  WAVEFORMATEX waveformatex - wave formatex
  short *buff               - current buffer
  int buff_size             - current buffer size
  int which_buff            - double buffering flag
  HTS_Boolean now_buff_1    - double buffering flag
  HTS_Boolean now_buff_2    - double buffering flag
  WAVEHDR buff_1            - buffer
  WAVEHDR buff_2            - buffer
  int max_buff_size         - buffer size of audio output device
 - For Linux, etc.
  int i                     - make compiler happy
 *** HTS_VocoderSet [#aa21d7f5]
 - MLSA filter settings.  Usually you don't need to set this structure manually. 
  int fprd                   - frame shift
  int iprd                   - interpolation period
  int seed                   - seed of random generator
  int pd                     - Pade approximation order (4 or 5)
  unsigned long next         - temporary variable for random generator
  HTS_Boolean gauss          - flag to use Gaussian noise
  double p1                  - used in excitation generation
  double pc                  - used in excitation generation
  double pade[21]            - Pade coefficients
  double *ppade              - Pade array
  double *c, *cc, *cinc, *d1 - used in the MLSA filter
  double rate                - sampling rate
  int sw                     - switch used in random generator
  double r1, r2, s           - used in random generator
  int x                      - excitation signal
  HTS_AudioSet *as           - pointer for audio device
  int size                   - buffer size for postfiltering
  double *d                  - used in postfiltering
  double *g                  - used in postfiltering
  double *mc                 - mel-cepstral coefficients
  double *cep                - cepstral coefficients
  double *ir                 - impulse response
  int o                      - used in postfiltering
  int irleng                 - length of impulse response
 *** HTS_Engine [#udd70536]
 - HTS_Engine itself.
  HTS_ModelSet *ms   - sets of HMMs and duration models
  HTS_TreeSet *ts    - sets of decision trees
  HTS_PStream lf0pst - PDF stream for F0
  HTS_PStream mcppst - PDF stream for spectrum
  HTS_globalP gp     - global settings 
  int num_interp     - # of models for interpolation
 * Functions [#o5c11fa0]
 ** HTS_Engine functions [#i1438ea1]
 *** HTS_Engine_initialize [#bc3db532]
  void HTS_Engine_initialize(HTS_Engine *engine);
 - Use: Initialize HTS_Engine structure.
 - Arguments: 
  HTS_Engine *engine - Pointer for HTS_Engine structure
 - ''Attention!!:'' To start HTS_Engine module, first you should call this function.
 *** HTS_Engine_load_fn [#m45f8973]
  void HTS_Engine_load_fn(HTS_Engine *engine,
                          char **fn_ms_lf0,char **fn_ms_mcp,char **fn_ms_dur,
                          char **fn_ts_lf0,char **fn_ts_mcp,char **fn_ts_dur,
                          int num_ws_lf0,char **fn_ws_lf0,
                          int num_ws_mcp,char **fn_ws_mcp,
                          double *rate_interp,int num_interp);
 - Use: Load models/trees/windows from files using given filenames.
 - Arguments:
  HTS_Engine *engine      - HTS_Engine structure
  char       **fn_ms_lf0  - F0 PDF file names
  char       **fn_ms_mcp  - spectrum PDF file names 
  char       **fn_ms_dur  - duration PDF file names
  char       **fn_ts_lf0  - F0 tree file names
  char       **fn_ts_mcp  - spectrum tree file names
  char       **fn_ts_dur  - duration tree file names
  int        num_ws_lf0   - # of dynamic feature windows for F0
  char       **fn_ws_lf0  - dynamic feature window file names for F0
  int        num_ws_mcp   - # of dynamic feature windows for spectrum
  char       **fn_ws_mcp  - dynamic feature window file names for spectrum
  double     *rate_interp - model interpolation rates
  int        num_interp   - # of models to be interpolated
 - ''Attention!!'': You should initialize variable '''engine''' using HTS_Engine_initialize before calling this function.  If rate_interp==NULL, interpolation rates of all models are set to the same value.
 *** HTS_Engine_load_fp [#w7185327]
  void HTS_Engine_load_fp(HTS_Engine *engine,
                          FILE **fp_ms_lf0,FILE **fp_ms_mcp,FILE **fp_ms_dur,
                          FILE **fp_ts_lf0,FILE **fp_ts_mcp,FILE **fp_ts_dur,
                          int num_ws_lf0,FILE **fp_ws_lf0,
                          int num_ws_mcp,FILE **fp_ws_mcp,
                          double *rate_interp,int num_interp);
 - Use: Load models, trees & windows from files using given file pointers.
 - Arguments:
  HTS_Engine *engine      - HTS_Engine structure
  FILE       **fp_ms_lf0  - F0 PDF file pointers
  FILE       **fp_ms_mcp  - spectrum PDF file pointers
  FILE       **fp_ms_dur  - duration PDF file pointers
  FILE       **fp_ts_lf0  - F0 tree file pointers
  FILE       **fp_ts_mcp  - spectrum tree file pointers
  FILE       **fp_ts_dur  - duration tree file pointers
  int        num_ws_lf0   - # of dynamic feature windows for F0
  FILE       **fp_ws_lf0  - dynamic feature window file pointers for F0
  int        num_ws_mcp   - # of dynamic feature windows for spectrum
  FILE       **fp_ws_mcp  - dynamic feature window file pointers for spectrum
  double     *rate_interp - model interpolation rates
  int        num_interp   - # of models to be interpolated
 - ''Attention!!'': You should initialize variable '''engine''' using HTS_Engine_initialize before calling this function.  If rate_interp==NULL, interpolation rates of all models are set to the same value.
 *** HTS_Engine_process [#i593ddb8]
  void HTS_Engine_process(HTS_Engine *engine,HTS_Model *model,
                          FILE *wavfp, FILE *rawfp, FILE *lf0fp,
                          FILE *mcpfp, FILE *durfp, FILE *tracefp,
                          double *fr_f0, double *fr_power);
 - Use: run HMM-based speech synthesis.
 - Arguments:
  HTS_Engine  *engine    - HTS_Engine structure  
  HTS_Model   *model     - HTS_Model structure 
  FILE        *wavfp     - file pointer for RIFF waveform output
  FILE        *rawfp     - file pointer for raw audio output
  FILE        *lf0fp     - file pointer for generated (log) F0 sequence
  FILE        *mcpfp     - file pointer for generated spectrum (mel-cepstrum)
  FILE        *durfp     - file pointer for predicted durations
  FILE        *tracefp   - file pointer for trace information
  double      *fr_f0     - Given F0 values
  double      *fr_power  - Given powers 
 - ''Attention!!'': You can give F0 values or powers predicted by other modules via fr_f0 and fr_power.
 *** HTS_Engine_refresh [#k57f1d0c]
  void HTS_Engine_refresh(HTS_Engine *engine, Model *mhead);
 - Use: free model list.
 - Arguments:
  HTS_Engine *engine - HTS_Engine structure
  Model      *mhead  - HTS_Model structure
 - ''Attention!!'': You should call this function if you want to run HTS_Engine_process multiple times.
 *** HTS_Engine_clear [#c3442e8d]
  void HTS_Engine_clear(HTS_Engine *engine);
 - Use: free memory.
 - Arguments:
  HTS_Engine *engine - HTS_Engine structure
 ** HTS_Engine setting function [#xb2cbf1a]
 *** HTS_Engine_set_sampling_rate [#q41e65a1]
  void HTS_Engine_set_sampling_rate(HTS_Engine *engine,int i);
 - Use: set sampling frequency.
 - Arguments:
  HTS_Engine *engine - HTS_Engine structure
  int        i       - sampling frequency (Hz), 0 < i <= 48000
 - ''Attention!!:'' Default value is 16000.
 *** HTS_Engine_set_fperiod [#c5c89881]
  void HTS_Engine_set_fperiod(HTS_Engine *engine,int i);
 - Use: set frame shift.
 - Arguments:
  HTS_Engine *engine - HTS_Engine structure 
  int        i       - frame shift (point), 0 < i <= 2000
 - ''Attention!!:'' Default value is 80.
 *** HTS_Engine_set_alpha [#tbe7cee5]
  void HTS_Engine_set_alpha(HTS_Engine *engine,double f);
 - Use: set frequency warping parameter alpha.
 - Arguments:
  HTS_Engine *engine - HTS_Engine structure 
  double     f       - alpha, 0.0 <= f <= 1.0
 - ''Attention!!:'' Default value is 0.42.
 *** HTS_Engine_set_beta [#m44c517c]
  void HTS_SetBeta(HTS_Engine *engine,double f);
 - Use: set postfiltering coefficient parameter beta.
 - Arguments:
  HTS_Engine *engine - HTS_Engine structure 
  double     f       - beta, -0.8 <= f <= 0.8
 - ''Attention!!:'' Default value is 0.0.  If you set beta large value, formant structure will be emphasized strongly.
 *** HTS_Engine_set_rho [#ha467b8e]
  void HTS_Engine_set_rho(HTS_Engine *engine,double f);
 - Use: set speaking rate control parameter rho.
 - Arguments:
  HTS_Engine *engine - HTS_Engine structure 
  double     f       - rho, -1.0 <= f <= 1.0
 - ''Attention!!:'' Default value is 0.0.  If you set beta negative value, speaking rate of synthesized speech becomes fast.
 *** HTS_Engine_set_f0_std [#v7dd1f01]
  void HTS_Engine_set_f0_std(HTS_Engine *engine,double f);
 - Use: set a parameter to be multiplied to generated F0 values
 - Arguments:
  HTS_Engine *engine - HTS_Engine structure 
  double     f       - F0 multiply value, 0.0 <= f <= 5.0
 - ''Attention!!:'' Default value is 1.0.
 *** HTS_Engine_set_f0_mean [#eb468ba6]
  void HTS_Engine_set_f0_mean(HTS_Engine *engine,double f);
 - Use: set a parameter to be added to generated F0 values
 - Arguments:
  HTS_Engine *engine - HTS_Engine structure
  double     f       - F0 bias value, 0.0 <= f <= 100.0
 - ''Attention!!:'' Default value is 0.0.
 *** HTS_Engine_set_uv [#c0f3dac6]
  void HTS_Engine_set_uv(HTS_Engine *engine,double f);
 - Use: set voiced/unvoiced threshold.
 - Arguments:
  HTS_Engine *engine - HTS_Engine structure
  double     f       - voiced/unvoiced threshold, 0.0 <= f <= 1.0
 - ''Attention!!:'' Default value 0.5.
 *** HTS_Engine_set_length [#b06b19c7]
  void HTS_Engine_set_length(HTS_Engine *engine,double f);
 - Use: set total length of utterance in second
 - Arguments:
  HTS_Engine *engine - HTS_Engine structure
  double     f       - total length of utterance (second), 0.0 <= f <= 30.0
 - ''Attention!!:'' Default value is 0.0 (using predicted durations by state duration models).
 *** HTS_Engine_set_algnst [#w1aa23b5]
  void HTS_Engine_set_algnst(HTS_Engine *engine,HTS_Boolean i);
 - Use: set flag whether state-level alignments from given labels is used or not.
 - Arguments:
  HTS_Engine  *engine - HTS_Engine structure
  HTS_Boolean i       - flag whether state-level alignments from given labels is used or not
 - ''Attention!!:'' Default value is FALSE.
 *** HTS_Engine_set_algnph [#b326f87f]
  void HTS_Engine_set_algnph(HTS_Engine *engine,HTS_Boolean i);
 - Use: set flag whether phone-level alignments from given labels is used or not.
 - Arguments:
  HTS_Engine  *engine - HTS_Engine structure
  HTS_Boolean i       - flag whether phone-level alignments from given labels is used or not
 - ''Attention!!:'' Default value is FALSE.
 *** HTS_Engine_set_buff_size [#ud5632df]
  void HTS_Engine_set_buff_size(HTS_Engine *engine, int i);
 - Use: set buffer size for audio device.
 - Arguments:
  HTS_Engine *engine - HTS_Engine structure
  int        i       - buffer size (pt), 0 < i <= 48000
 - ''Attention!!:'' Default value is 0. If i==0, direct audio play is turned off.
 *** HTS_Engine_set_stored_raw_data [#k5fc1be0]
  void HTS_Engine_set_stored_raw_data(HTS_Engine *engine,HTS_Boolean i);
 - Use: set flag whether a synthesized waveform is stored in an array.
 - Arguments:
  HTS_Engine  *engine - HTS_Engine structure
  HTS_Boolean i       - if TRUE, synthesized waveform is stored
 - ''Attention!!:'' Default value is FALSE.
 *** HTS_Engine_get_sampling_rate [#j4e9c970]
  int HTS_Engine_get_sampling_rate(HTS_Engine *engine);
 - Use: get sampling frequency.
 - Return value: sampling frequency (Hz)
 - Arguments:
  HTS_Engine *engine - HTS_Engine structure
 *** HTS_Engine_get_total_dur [#l57d5bb9]
  int HTS_Engine_get_total_dur(HTS_Engine *engine);
 - Use: get total durations
 - Return value: get total durations
 - Arguments:
  HTS_Engine *engine - HTS_Engine structure
 *** HTS_Engine_get_total_frame [#fb2b6082]
  int HTS_Engine_get_total_frame(HTS_Engine *engine);
 - Use: get total # of frame.
 - Return value: total # of frames&#65294;
 - Arguments:
  HTS_Engine *engine - HTS_Engine structure
 *** HTS_Engine_get_nsample [#oa0b9847]
  int HTS_Engine_get_nsample(HTS_Engine *engine);
 - Use: get # of samples in a synthesized waveform.
 - Return value: # of samples.
 - Arguments:
  HTS_Engine *engine - HTS_Engine structure
 *** HTS_Engine_get_pros_len [#p93969ff]
  int HTS_Engine_get_pros_len(HTS_Engine *engine);
 - Use: get spectrum, F0 data length.
 - Return value: data length.
 - Arguments:
  HTS_Engine *engine - HTS_Engine structure
 *** HTS_Engine_get_pros [#e30e0ece]
  HTS_Boolean HTS_Engine_get_pros(HTS_Engine *engine,int len,
                                  double *f0_data,double *power_data);
 - Use: get mcp, lf0 data array.
 - Return value: if len==data length, return TRUE.
 - Arguments:
  HTS_Engine *engine     - HTS_Engine structure
  int        len         - data length
  double     *f0_data    - generated F0 sequence
  double     *power_data - generated spectrum (mel-cepstrum) sequence
 *** HTS_Engine_get_stored_raw_data [#r88fe434]
  short *HTS_Engine_get_stored_raw_data(HTS_Engine *engine);
 - Use: get stored raw data.
 - Return value: short array which contains a synthesized waveform&#65294;
 - Arguments:
  HTS_Engine *engine - HTS_Engine structure
 ** HTS_Model function [#h27b18c2]
 *** HTS_Model_load_from_labfp [#qdd1e7a5]
  void HTS_Model_load_from_labfp(HTS_Model *mhead,FILE *labfp);
 - Use: load model list from label file pointer.
 - Arguments:
  HTS_Model *mhead - HTS_Model structure pointer
  FILE      *labfp - label file pointer
 *** HTS_Model_load_from_labfn [#k847cea5]
  void HTS_Model_load_from_labfn (HTS_Model *mhead,char *fn);
 - Use: load model list from label file name.
 - Arguments:
  HTS_Model *mhead - HTS_Model structure pointer
  char      *fn    - label file name
 *** HTS_Model_load_from_string [#nb56c314]
  void HTS_Model_load_from_string (HTS_Model *mhead,char *labdata);
 - Use: load model list from string.
 - Arguments:
  HTS_Model *mhead   - HTS_Model structure pointer
  char      *labdata - label string
 *** HTS_Model_load_from_string_list [#sc61a8ee]
  void HTS_Model_load_from_string_list (HTS_Model *mhead,char **labdata,int size);
 - Use: load model list from string list.
 - Arguments:
  HTS_Model *mhead    - HTS_Model structure pointer
  char      **labdata - label string list
  int       size      - label string list size
 ** HTS_Model setting function [#t0d05533]
 *** HTS_Model_set_rate [#v6e9650b]
  void HTS_Model_set_rate(HTS_Model *m, int i, double f);
 - Use: set speaking rate for the i-th subword HMM.
 - Arguments: 
  HTS_Model *m - HTS_Model list
  int       i  - index of subword HMM to be used in HTS_Model list m
  double    f  - speaking rate
 - ''Attention!!:'' 0.2 <= f.
 *** HTS_Model_set_dur [#jdfe0f95]
  void HTS_Model_set_dur(Model *m, int i, int d);
 - Use: set phone-level duration for the i-th subword HMM.
 - Arguments:
  HTS_Model *m - HTS_Model list
  int       i  - index of subword HMM to be used in HTS_Model list m
  int       d  - # of frames (duration)
 - ''Attention!!:'' 0 < d.
 *** HTS_Model_set_f0_level [#s5c8f765]
  void HTS_Model_set_f0_level (Model *m, int i, double f);
 - Use: set F0 level for the i-th subword HMM.
 - Arguments:
  HTS_Model  *m - HTS_Model list
  int        i  - index of subword HMM to be used in HTS_Model list m
  double     f  - F0 bias
 - ''Attention!!:'' 0.1 <= f.
 *** HTS_Model_set_f0_range [#k1cb0d03]
  void HTS_Model_set_f0_range(Model *m, int i, double f);
 - Use: set F0 range for the i-th subword HMM.
 - Arguments:
  HTS_Model *m - HTS_Model list
  int       i  - index of subword HMM to be used in HTS_Model list m
  double    f  - F0 range
 - ''Attention!!:'' 0.0 <= f. Default value is 0.0. 
 *** HTS_Model_set_volume [#b3110391]
  void HTS_Model_set_volume(Model *m, int i, double f);
 - Use: set volume for the i-th subword HMM.
 - Arguments:
  HTS_Model *m - HTS_Model list 
  int       i  - index of subword HMM to be used in HTS_Model list m
  double    f  - volume
 - ''Attention!!:'' 0.01 <= f.
 *** HTS_Model_set_alpha [#idef33c4]
  void HTS_Model_set_alpha(Model *m, int i, double f);
 - Use: set frequency warping parameter alpha for the i-th subword HMM.
 - Arguments:
  HTS_Model *m - HTS_Model list
  int       i  - index of subword HMM to be used in HTS_Model list m
  double    f  - frequency warping parameter alpha
 - ''Attention!!:'' 0.0 <= f.
 ** HTS_VocoderSet function [#i85cc130]
 *** HTS_VocoderSet_initialize [#g7972a7d]
  void HTS_VocoderSet_initialize (HTS_VocoderSet *vs, const int m,
                                  const int rate, const int fperiod, int buff_size);
 - Use: initialize the MLSA filter.
 - Arguments:
  HTS_VocodetSet *vs       - HTS_VocodetSet structure
  const int      m         - order of mel-cepstral coefficients
  const int      rate      - sampling frequency (Hz)
  const int      fperiod   - frame shift (point)
  int            buff_size - buffer size for direct audio output
 *** HTS_VocoderSet_synthesize [#ded581f3]
  void HTS_VocoderSet_synthesize (HTS_VocoderSet *vs, const int m,
                                  double p, double *mc, double alpha, double beta,
                                  FILE *wavfp, FILE *rawfp, short *rawdata);
 - Use: run the MLSA filter and synthesize waveform.
 - Arguments:
  HTS_VocoderSet *vs      - HTS_VocodetSet structure
  const int      m        - order of mel-cepstral coefficients
  double         p        - F0 value
  double         *mc      - mel-cepstral coefficients
  double         alpha    - frequency warping parameter alpha
  double         beta     - postfiltering parameter beta
  FILE           *wavfp   - file pointer to store synthesized waveform in RIFF format
  FILE           *rawfp   - file pointer to store synthesized waveform in raw audio

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