* [[Download]] [#a7e82819]
 ** Copying [#qba958e0]
 - The license of each software is included in the README file of each software. Before downloading, read the license and agree to it.
 The license of each software is included in the README file of each software. Before downloading, read the license and agree to it.
 ** Download [#kac5b0bc]
 ** Download Softwares and Demos [#kac5b0bc]
 *** HMM-Based Speech Synthesis System (HTS) version 1.1.1 [#z4ca3df2]
 - README (included in the distribution)
 - Source code: HTS-1.1.1_for_HTK-3.2.1.tar.gz
 - Demo script: HTS-demo.tar.gz
 - Speech database for the demo script (choose one of them):
 -- HTS-demo_CMU-ARCTIC-AWB.tar.gz for Scottish English (118,142,737 Byte)
 -- HTS-demo_NIT-ATR503-M001.tar.gz for Japanese (69,568,953 Byte) 
 *** HTS voices for Festival [#z1a23ccb]
 - README (included in the distribution)
 - CMU US BDL ARCTIC: cmu_us_bdl_arctic_hts.tar.gz
 - CMU US SLT ARCTIC: cmu_us_slt_arctic_hts.tar.gz
 - CMU US JMK ARCTIC: cmu_us_jmk_arctic_hts.tar.gz
 - CMU US AWB ARCTIC: cmu_us_awb_arctic_hts.tar.gz
 - CSTR US KED Timit: cstr_us_ked_timit_hts.tar.gz
 - CMU Communicator KAL limited domain: cmu_us_kal_com_hts.tar.gz 
 ** HTS voices for GalateaTalk [#l2154a43]
 *** HTS voices for GalateaTalk [#l2154a43]
 - README (included in the distribution)
 - NIT JP m001 ATR503: m001_for_gtalk.tar.gz

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