* [[Download]] [#a7e82819]


** Copying [#qba958e0]
- The license of each software is included in the README file of each software. Before downloading, read the license and agree to it.

** Download Softwares and Demos [#kac5b0bc]
*** HMM-Based Speech Synthesis System (HTS) version 1.1.1 [#z4ca3df2]
- README (included in the distribution)
- Source code: HTS-1.1.1_for_HTK-3.2.1.tar.gz
- Demo script: HTS-demo.tar.gz
- Speech database for the demo script (choose one of them):
-- HTS-demo_CMU-ARCTIC-AWB.tar.gz for Scottish English (118,142,737 Byte)
-- HTS-demo_NIT-ATR503-M001.tar.gz for Japanese (69,568,953 Byte) 
*** HTS voices for Festival [#z1a23ccb]
- README (included in the distribution)
- CMU US BDL ARCTIC: cmu_us_bdl_arctic_hts.tar.gz
- CMU US SLT ARCTIC: cmu_us_slt_arctic_hts.tar.gz
- CMU US JMK ARCTIC: cmu_us_jmk_arctic_hts.tar.gz
- CMU US AWB ARCTIC: cmu_us_awb_arctic_hts.tar.gz
- CSTR US KED Timit: cstr_us_ked_timit_hts.tar.gz
- CMU Communicator KAL limited domain: cmu_us_kal_com_hts.tar.gz 
*** HTS voices for GalateaTalk [#l2154a43]
- README (included in the distribution)
- NIT JP m001 ATR503: m001_for_gtalk.tar.gz

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