* Welcome! [#k4f3be02]
 > The HMM-based Speech Synthesis System (HTS) has been being developed by the HTS working group and others (see "Who we are" and "Acknowledgments" in "README" file).  The basic core system of HTS is implemented as a modified version of [[HTK:http://htk.eng.cam.ac.uk/]] and released as a form of patch code to HTK.  The patch code is released under [[a modified BSD-style license>License]].  However, it should be noted that &color(red){once you apply the patch to the HTK, you must obey the [[license of HTK:http://htk.eng.cam.ac.uk/docs/license.shtml]].};
 > The HMM-based Speech Synthesis System (HTS) has been being developed by the HTS working group and others (see [[Who we are]] and [[Acknowledgements]]).  The basic core system of HTS is implemented as a modified version of [[HTK:http://htk.eng.cam.ac.uk/]] and released as a form of patch code to HTK.  The patch code is released under [[a modified BSD-style license>License]].  However, it should be noted that &color(red){once you apply the patch to the HTK, you must obey the [[license of HTK:http://htk.eng.cam.ac.uk/docs/license.shtml]].};
 > HTS version 2.0 newly supports adaptation and adaptive training based on MLLR.   MAP-based adaptation is also supported.  This version has not included any text analyzer yet, but you can use the [[Festival Speech Synthesis System:http://www.festvox.org/festival/]] as a text analyzer. This distribution includes demo scripts using [[CMU ARCTIC database:http://www.festvox.org/cmu_arctic/]] (English).
 Six HTS voices for Festival 1.95 are also released. They are based on our small synthesis engine which has been included as a module of Festival.  Each of HTS voices can be used without any other HTS tools.
 > For training Japanese voices, a demo script using the Nitech database is also prepared.  Japanese voices trained by the demo script can be used on [[GalateaTalk:http://hil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~galatea/]], which is a speech synthesis module of an open-source toolkit for anthropomorphic spoken dialogue agents developed in [[Galatea project:http://hil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~galatea/]].  An HTS voice for Galatea trained by the demo script is also released.

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