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[hts-users:01657] HMM state tying


I am an graduate student and I would like to make a HMM Serbian tts system for a student project. I have some knowledge in speech recognition modeling with HTK HMMs.

I used the HTS demo scripts for building an English TTS based on arctict database. I have problems with the file questions*.hed, which is used for EN state phonetic tying. I understand the 1. part of the file which includes questions with phoneme features (wovels, consonants,...). I believe that the second part uses some questions for F0 and duration, is that true ? I already have questions with phoneme features for my language, but none for F0 and duration. Is there a tool which I could use to generate those questions?

I looked at many articles wchich feature HMM TTS syntesis, but there is still one thing I don't fully understand. In the demo I saw some label files which are used as input for voice syntethization (Alice*.lab). In the files I have seen the phonetic trancription and also other parameters. Are these parameters also used in HMM TTS?

Thanks in advance,

Best reagrds,

Mirko Vladic

[hts-users:01663] Re: HMM state tying, Keiichiro Oura