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[hts-users:02171] ERROR of model copy using %mdcp (about Japanese demo)


I found a bug in Training.pl of HTS-demo_NIT-ATR503-M001 .

In the case that %mdcp in Config.pm is uncommented, model training
stopped as follows.

Start initialization & reestimation at ----
=============== A ================
use a instead of A
Cannot open No such file or directory at scripts/Training.pl
line 258, <LIST> line 1.

This error happens because "a" model is not created before "A" model.

Though this bug doesn't affect normal model training, it may be a
problem in the case that the amount of training data is very small.

I made a patch for Training.pl about this.

Best regards,

Daisuke Saito
--- Training.pl.org	2009-08-14 16:53:24.000000000 +0900
+++ Training.pl	2009-08-14 17:13:37.000000000 +0900
@@ -240,7 +240,9 @@
    print_time("initialization & reestimation");
    open(LIST, $lst{'mon'}) || die "Cannot open $!";
-   while ($phone = <LIST>) {
+   @list = <LIST>;
+   close(LIST);
+   foreach $phone (@list){
       # trimming leading and following whitespace characters
       $phone =~ s/^\s+//;
       $phone =~ s/\s+$//;
@@ -254,22 +256,29 @@
       print "=============== $phone ================\n";
       if (grep($_ eq $phone, keys %mdcp) > 0){
          print "use $mdcp{$phone} instead of $phone\n";
-         $set = 'cmp';
-         open(SRC, "$hrest{$set}/$mdcp{$phone}") || die "Cannot open $!";
-         open(TGT, ">$hrest{$set}/$phone") || die "Cannot open $!";
-         while (<SRC>){
-            s/~h \"$mdcp{$phone}\"/~h \"$phone\"/;
-            print TGT;
-         }
-         close(TGT);
-         close(SRC);
+	 if ( ! -e "$hrest{'cmp'}/$mdcp{$phone}"){
+	     print "$mdcp{$phone} has not been created yet.\n";
+	     print "skip (we will copy it later...).\n";
+	     push(@list,$phone);
+	     next;
+	 }
+         foreach $set (@SET){
+	     open(SRC, "$hrest{$set}/$mdcp{$phone}") || die "Cannot open $!";
+	     open(TGT, ">$hrest{$set}/$phone") || die "Cannot open $!";
+	     while (<SRC>){
+		 s/~h \"$mdcp{$phone}\"/~h \"$phone\"/;
+		 print TGT;
+	     }
+	     close(TGT);
+	     close(SRC);
+	 }
       else {
          shell("$HInit -H $initmmf{'cmp'} -M $hinit{'cmp'} -I $lab -l $phone -o $phone $prtfile");
          shell("$HRest -H $initmmf{'cmp'} -M $hrest{'cmp'} -I $lab -l $phone -g $hrest{'dur'}/$phone $hinit{'cmp'}/$phone");
-   close(LIST);

[hts-users:02172] Re: ERROR of model copy using %mdcp (about Japanese demo), Keiichiro Oura