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[hts-users:03262] Re: Adaptation without xform in HTS



Thanks for your reply.


I wanted to see the mean vector of adapted models to find the reason why adapted durations are negative.

However, now I know that transformed model could be stored by SAVESPKRMODELS and it is possible only for MLLRMEAN.

By the way, I wonder why MLLRDIAGCOV is TRUE when adaptation transform kind is MLLRMEAN in HTS 2.2 demo?



From: ura228@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:ura228@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Keiichiro Oura
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2012 2:47 AM
To: hts-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: uratec
Subject: [hts-users:03258] Re: Adaptation without xform in HTS




What do you want to do?



Keiichiro Oura


2012/4/18 Heamin Lee <oasistony@xxxxxxxxxxx>



I changed the option of HERest to get adapted mmf file without xforms.

And I changed the options of HMGenS to generate parameters from mmf file without xforms.

However, synthesized speech is different from mmf file with xforms.

Changed scripts is below… Is there other options to be change?



Speaker adaptation (SI)



HERest -A -B -C configs/trn.cnf -D -T 1 -S data/scp/adapt.scp -I data/labels/full.mlf -m 1 -u tmvwdmv -w 5000 -t 1500 100 5000 -h */cmu_us_arctic_%%%_* -H models/qst001/ver1/cmp/re_clustered_all.mmf -N models/qst001/ver1/dur/re_clustered_all.mmf -C configs/adp.cnf -H models/qst001/ver1/cmp/regTrees/dec.base -H models/qst001/ver1/cmp/regTrees/dec.tree -N models/qst001/ver1/dur/regTrees/dec.base -N models/qst001/ver1/dur/regTrees/dec.tree models/qst001/ver1/cmp/tiedlist models/qst001/ver1/dur/tiedlist


HTK Configuration Parameters[25]

  Module/Tool     Parameter                  Value

#                 BANDWIDTH       IntVec 3 50 50 50 IntVec 1 1 IntVec 1 1 IntVec 1 1 IntVec 3 26 26 26

#                 BLOCKSIZE       IntVec 3 50 50 50 IntVec 1 1 IntVec 1 1 IntVec 1 1 IntVec 3 26 26 26

#                 DURSPLITTHRESH  Vector 5 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

#                 SPLITTHRESH     Vector 5 500.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

#                 SMAPSIGMA                      1

#                 USESMAP                     TRUE

#                 MLLRDIAGCOV                FALSE

#                 DURUSEBIAS                  TRUE

#                 DURTRANSKIND               CMLLR

#                 USEBIAS                     TRUE

#                 TRANSKIND                  CMLLR

#                 DURREGTREE      models/qst001/ver1/dur/regTrees/dec.tree

#                 DURBASECLASS    models/qst001/ver1/dur/regTrees/dec.base

#                 REGTREE         models/qst001/ver1/cmp/regTrees/dec.tree

#                 BASECLASS       models/qst001/ver1/cmp/regTrees/dec.base

#                 DURADAPTKIND                TREE

#                 ADAPTKIND                   TREE

#                 MINDUR                         5

#                 MAXSTDDEVCOEF                 10

#                 APPLYDURVARFLOOR              TRUE

#                 DURVARFLOORPERCENTILE          1.000000

#                 VFLOORSCALESTR  Vector 5 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01

#                 NATURALWRITEORDER              TRUE

#                 NATURALREADORDER              TRUE

#                 APPLYVFLOOR                 TRUE



Speaker adaptation (SI+MLLR+MAP)


HERest -A -C configs/trn.cnf -D -T 1 -S data/scp/adapt.scp -I data/labels/full.mlf -m 1 -u pmvwdpmv -w 5000 -t 1500 100 5000 -h */cmu_us_arctic_%%%_* -H models/qst001/ver1/cmp/re_clustered_all.mmf -N models/qst001/ver1/dur/re_clustered_all.mmf -M  models/qst001/ver1/cmp/mapmmf -R models/qst001/ver1/dur/mapmmf -C configs/map.cnf -H models/qst001/ver1/cmp/regTrees/dec.base -H models/qst001/ver1/cmp/regTrees/dec.tree -N models/qst001/ver1/dur/regTrees/dec.base -N models/qst001/ver1/dur/regTrees/dec.tree models/qst001/ver1/cmp/tiedlist models/qst001/ver1/dur/tiedlist


HTK Configuration Parameters[13]

  Module/Tool     Parameter                  Value

# HMAP            TRACE                          2

#                 MIXWEIGHTFLOOR              5000

#                 MINEGS                         1

#                 DURMAPTAU                     50

#                 MAPTAU                        50

#                 MINDUR                         5

#                 MAXSTDDEVCOEF                 10

#                 APPLYDURVARFLOOR              TRUE

#                 DURVARFLOORPERCENTILE          1.000000

#                 VFLOORSCALESTR  Vector 5 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01

#                 NATURALWRITEORDER              TRUE

#                 NATURALREADORDER              TRUE

#                 APPLYVFLOOR                 TRUE



Parameter generation


HMGenS -A -B -C  configs/syn.cnf -D -T 1 -S  data/scp/gen.scp -t 1500 100 5000 -h */cmu_us_arctic_%%%_* -c 0 -H  models/qst001/ver1/cmp/mapmmf/re_clustered_all.mmf -N models/qst001/ver1/dur/mapmmf/re_clustered_sat_all.mmf -M gen/qst001/ver1/SI+dec_feat3/0 -H models/qst001/ver1/cmp/regTrees/dec.base -H models/qst001/ver1/cmp/regTrees/dec.tree -N models/qst001/ver1/dur/regTrees/dec.base -N  models/qst001/ver1/dur/regTrees/dec.tree models/qst001/ver1/cmp/tiedlist models/qst001/ver1/dur/tiedlist


HTK Configuration Parameters[24]

  Module/Tool     Parameter                  Value

#                 CDGV                        TRUE

#                 GVOFFMODEL      StrVec 3 pau h# brth

#                 OPTKIND                   NEWTON

#                 GVWEIGHT                       1

#                 HMMWEIGHT                      1

#                 STEPDEC                 0.500000

#                 STEPINC                 1.200000

#                 STEPINIT                       1

#                 MINEUCNORM              0.010000

#                 GVEPSILON               0.000100

#                 MAXGVITER                     50

#                 GVHMMLIST       gv/qst001/ver1/tiedlist

#                 GVMODELMMF      gv/qst001/ver1/clustered_all.mmf

#                 USEGV                      FALSE

#                 EMEPSILON               0.000100

#                 MAXEMITER                     20

#                 WINDIR          data/win

#                 WINFN           StrVec 3 mgc.win1 mgc.win2 mgc.win3 StrVec 3 lf0.win1 lf0.win2 lf0.win3 StrVec 3 bap.win1 bap.win2 bap.win3

#                 PDFSTREXT       StrVec 3 mgc lf0 bap

#                 PDFSTRORDER     IntVec 3 50 1 26

#                 PDFSTRSIZE        IntVec 3 1 3 1

#                 USEALIGN                    TRUE

#                 NATURALWRITEORDER              TRUE

#                 NATURALREADORDER              TRUE


[hts-users:03263] Re: Adaptation without xform in HTS, Keiichiro Oura
[hts-users:03255] Adaptation without xform in HTS, Heamin Lee
[hts-users:03258] Re: Adaptation without xform in HTS, Keiichiro Oura