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[hts-users:03633] Re: Duration mean rounding

Ah, yes. I didn't understand the meaning of "diff". Thank you very much for your explanation!

On 2013-02-21 16:29, 那兴宇 wrote:

Duration is rounded sequentially, not individually. The variable 'diff'
is used to store the difference between rounded value and mean value of
the previous states. The actual rounded value is 'dur+diff', other than

Xingyu Na (那兴宇)

At  2013-02-21  23:16:16,"Dietmar  Schabus"  <schabus@xxxxxx>  wrote:
Hi  all,

I'm  trying  to  understand  the  duration  modeling  in  detail.  When  I  look  at
the  .dur  files  created  by  HMGenS,  I  sometimes  see  some  unexpected  numbers:

t^P6-sil+x=x@    ...    -1.state[2]:  duration=5  (frame),  mean=5.174239e+00
t^P6-sil+x=x@    ...    -1.state[3]:  duration=11  (frame),  mean=1.025650e+01
t^P6-sil+x=x@    ...    -1.state[4]:  duration=22  (frame),  mean=2.222014e+01
t^P6-sil+x=x@    ...    -1.state[5]:  duration=6  (frame),  mean=6.575937e+00
t^P6-sil+x=x@    ...    -1.state[6]:  duration=2  (frame),  mean=1.950120e+00

In  general,  the  number  of  frames  is  the  rounded  mean.  But  sometimes,
like  in  the  fourth  row  here,  it  seems  to  be  floored  rather  than  rounded.
Sometimes  it  also  seems  ceiled.

I  am  using  HTS  2.2,  and  in  HGen.c  (lines  796  etc.)  I  see:

dur  =  (rFlags&RNDDUR)  ?  GaussDeviate(mean[i][k],sqrt(1.0/ivar[i][k]))  /*
random  duration  sampling  */
                                                               :  mean[i][k]+rho/ivar[i][k];
                   genInfo->durations[i][j]  =  (int)(dur+diff+0.5);

I  don't  see  where  RNDDUR  would  be  set,  so  I  assume  I  am  not  randomly
sampling  (not  100%  sure  though,  where  should  I  look?).
I  am  calling  HMGenS  with  -r  1.0,  so  rho  should  be  0.0
So  I  would  expect  7  frames  and  not  6  in  the  fourth  row  above.

Does  anybody  understand  what's  going  on?

Thank  you,  Dietmar

Dipl.-Ing.  Dietmar  Schabus  |  Researcher
phone  +43  1  5052830-48  |  fax  -99  |  schabus@xxxxxx  |

FTW  Telecommunications  Research  Center  Vienna
Donau-City-Straße  1/3  |  1220  Vienna  |  Austria  |  www.ftw.at

[hts-users:03631] Duration mean rounding, Dietmar Schabus
[hts-users:03632] Re: Duration mean rounding, 那兴宇