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[hts-users:03883] WARNING while speaker adaptive training

Dear all.
 I am trying to build HTS with my custom voice and see WARNING "DLUDecompose: Matrix is Singular in /usr/local/HTS-2.2beta/bin/HERest".
 Has anyone seen this and how to fix it ? Please see some snippets below.
Best regards.
 HTK Configuration Parameters[24]
  Module/Tool     Parameter                  Value
#                 BANDWIDTH       IntVec 3 25 25 25 IntVec 1 1 IntVec 1 1 IntVec 1 1 IntVec 3 7 7 7 IntVec 3 10 10 10
#                 BLOCKSIZE       IntVec 3 25 25 25 IntVec 1 1 IntVec 1 1 IntVec 1 1 IntVec 3 7 7 7 IntVec 3 10 10 10
#                 DURSPLITTHRESH  Vector 5 5000.0 5000.0 5000.0 5000.0 5000.0
#                 SPLITTHRESH     Vector 6 10000.0 2000.0 2000.0 2000.0 5000.0 5000.0
#                 USESMAP                    FALSE
#                 MLLRDIAGCOV                FALSE
#                 DURUSEBIAS                  TRUE
#                 DURTRANSKIND               CMLLR
#                 USEBIAS                     TRUE
#                 TRANSKIND                  CMLLR
#                 DURREGTREE      /data/HTS_KOR_Adapt_ST-MELP_Test/models/qst001/ver1/dur/regTrees/dec.tree
#                 DURBASECLASS    /data/HTS_KOR_Adapt_ST-MELP_Test/models/qst001/ver1/dur/regTrees/dec.base
#                 REGTREE         /data/HTS_KOR_Adapt_ST-MELP_Test/models/qst001/ver1/cmp/regTrees/dec.tree
#                 BASECLASS       /data/HTS_KOR_Adapt_ST-MELP_Test/models/qst001/ver1/cmp/regTrees/dec.base
#                 DURADAPTKIND                TREE
#                 ADAPTKIND                   TREE
#                 MINDUR                         5
#                 MAXSTDDEVCOEF                 10
#                 APPLYDURVARFLOOR              TRUE
#                 DURVARFLOORPERCENTILE          1.000000
#                 VFLOORSCALESTR  Vector 6 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
#                 NATURALWRITEORDER              TRUE
#                 NATURALREADORDER              TRUE
#                 APPLYVFLOOR                 TRUE

HERest  ML Updating: XForms
 System is SHARED
267696 Logical/267696 Physical Models Loaded, VecSize=129
3 MMF input files
Duration model:
 HERest  ML Updating: XForms
 System is SHARED
 267696 Logical/267696 Physical Models Loaded, #States=5
 3 MMF input files

Pruning-On[1500.0 100.0 5000.0]

 Processing Data: lmj00001.cmp; Label lmj00001.lab
 Utterance prob per frame = 5.707021e+01
 Processing Data: lmj00002.cmp; Label lmj00002.lab
 Utterance prob per frame = 6.197582e+01
 Processing Data: lmj00003.cmp; Label lmj00003.lab
 Processing Data: lmj00999.cmp; Label lmj00999.lab
 Utterance prob per frame = 5.680047e+01
 Processing Data: lmj01000.cmp; Label lmj01000.lab
 Utterance prob per frame = 6.064748e+01
 Issue in intialising row 1 of block 1 (490.207037->490.899762)
 Issue in intialising row 1 of block 1 (490.298831->490.991472)
 Issue in intialising row 2 of block 1 (1070.519352->1071.212279)
 WARNING [-1]  DLUDecompose: Matrix is Singular in /usr/local/HTS-2.2beta/bin/HERest
 WARNING [-1]  DLUDecompose: Matrix is Singular in /usr/local/HTS-2.2beta/bin/HERest
 WARNING [-1]  DLUDecompose: Matrix is Singular in /usr/local/HTS-2.2beta/bin/HERest
 WARNING [-1]  DLUDecompose: Matrix is Singular in /usr/local/HTS-2.2beta/bin/HERest
 WARNING [-1]  DLUDecompose: Matrix is Singular in /usr/local/HTS-2.2beta/bin/HERest
 WARNING [-1]  DLUDecompose: Matrix is Singular in /usr/local/HTS-2.2beta/bin/HERest
 WARNING [-1]  DLUDecompose: Matrix is Singular in /usr/local/HTS-2.2beta/bin/HERest
 WARNING [-1]  DLUDecompose: Matrix is Singular in /usr/local/HTS-2.2beta/bin/HERest
 WARNING [-1]  DLUDecompose: Matrix is Singular in /usr/local/HTS-2.2beta/bin/HERest
 WARNING [-1]  DLUDecompose: Matrix is Singular in /usr/local/HTS-2.2beta/bin/HERest
 WARNING [-1]  DLUDecompose: Matrix is Singular in /usr/local/HTS-2.2beta/bin/HERest
 WARNING [-1]  DLUDecompose: Matrix is Singular in /usr/local/HTS-2.2beta/bin/HERest
 WARNING [-1]  DLUDecompose: Matrix is Singular in /usr/local/HTS-2.2beta/bin/HERest
 WARNING [-1]  DLUDecompose: Matrix is Singular in /usr/local/HTS-2.2beta/bin/HERest
 WARNING [-1]  DLUDecompose: Matrix is Singular in /usr/local/HTS-2.2beta/bin/HERest
 WARNING [-1]  DLUDecompose: Matrix is Singular in /usr/local/HTS-2.2beta/bin/HERest
 Issue in intialising row 1 of block 1 (490.184415->490.877162)
 Issue in intialising row 1 of block 1 (490.230919->490.923625)
 Issue in intialising row 1 of block 1 (490.249259->490.941948)
 Issue in intialising row 1 of block 1 (490.251679->490.944365)
 Issue in intialising row 1 of block 1 (490.297435->490.990078)
 Issue in intialising row 2 of block 1 (1070.472801->1071.165728)
 WARNING [-1]  WARNING: accumulates incorrect (-0.000000 < 0) - resetting in /usr/local/HTS-2.2beta/bin/HERest
 Issue in intialising row 1 of block 1 (489.776930->490.469638)
 Issue in intialising row 1 of block 1 (489.908496->490.601182)
 Issue in intialising row 1 of block 1 (490.300130->490.992770)
 Issue in intialising row 2 of block 1 (1070.528199->1071.221116)
 Issue in intialising row 1 of block 1 (490.300451->490.993091)

[hts-users:03887] Re: WARNING while speaker adaptive training, Keiichiro Oura